Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wii? Non

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

|Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii |
|Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii |
| Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii|
|Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii |
|Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii |
|Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What's this space above?

It's the space where my Nintendo Wii game console should have been :-(
I pre-ordered at Currys - big mistake. Although they said in the store they only got 5000 units (mmm yes...) , it turns out they got none! I am not happy. In future? Only buy/pre-order from large games-specific companies.
My pre-order for Zelda from Woolworth did get fulfilled, I got the text message. Great, I have Zelda wrapped under the Christmas tree with nothing to play it on!

I'm going to get a DS Lite with New Super Mario Bros. I tried yesterday to get a good deal but most places had sold out of that as well! I will get one today, wish me luck. Philosophically, it might not be a bad thing. The more I see of the DS, the more I like, there are some brilliant games out there whereas the really great games (Zelda notwithstanding) for the Wii are still to be developed...

In summary

Wii? Non - none left!


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All other products or brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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