Monday, September 04, 2006

A Twist...

A late shift in HDU, a morning at Uni searching CINAHL & Medline and Blind Guardian release 'A Twist In The Myth'.

My day job takes me into the human predicament and although I may feel tired, have too much else I want to do and not get payed enough, I never fail to be humbled by what people go through. Compared with a High dependancy Unit, my life is simple. It was a late shift so I get to sleep in in the morning. I'm trying to get through my dissertation for a degree in Adult Nursing, i'm woefully behind but throughout the thousands of dry articles that someone has written, i'm starting to find what I want. It's almost becoming second nature to me now, as I start to recognise articles in one database, occuring in another. But today there is light relief, well heavy relief. Bling Guardian release 'A Twist In The Myth' on Nuclear Blast. I managed to reserve a copy at His Master's Voice as no-one else was stocking it - AMAZING! Amazing that it's not stocked everywhere and amazing album. I've only listened to the first 2 tracks as yet but AMAZING!

So, how does all this lead into writing? Well, its tenuous. Very tenuous, but I believe that each day adds something positive to the fabric of woven life and failing that, there's 'one I prepared earlier'. The next immediate post will be the start of Tales...

Tales... is a story of unimaginable horror, with funny bits. It is being written as we speak. Praise has been heaped on it even at this early stage in its genesis, rather like horse manure is heaped on roses (smells awful but eventually you get to see some pretty flowers...).

Well, I'm back at Uni tomorrow looking for that elusive article but I'm sure I'll get to hear 'A Twist...' in all its glory. You never know, I might even get to write some of my 'Tales...'. It's a hard life ;-)


post script

BLIND GUARDIAN - A Twist In The Myth
Nuclear Blast Gmbh

if ever there was... this is it!

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